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bluemercury lipsticks


About Us

Bluemercury offers the world’s most innovative beauty products in a truly unique shopping experience. Clients receive unparalleled technical product knowledge, expert advice and friendly service.

Call the shop and make your makeup appointment today! Walk-in for a free consultation.

Our Story

our story image of store employees

Bluemercury was founded to help people discover their uniqueness, shining a light on the things that make them delightfully, wonderfully distinctive. We pioneered a client-first service model that emphasized hyperpersonalized, high-quality beauty interactions.

At Bluemercury, you—the client—are the center of our universe. Your beauty is our reason for being, doing, and inspiring.

As Bluemercury continues to evolve, we remain committed to our original intent to serve people and embrace our new purpose to be the ultimate specialist in the beauty of you. We believe that beauty is inclusive, not exclusive, and promise to deliver unparalleled experiences that celebrate the power of beauty to uplift, empower, and excite all of us.

We take beauty personally.

(pictured: Princeton Bluemercury Managers, Danielle Cirnigliaro, Oliver and Jean Luc)

Sanitation Statement

In addition to increased sanitation practices, we will limit store capacity to 5 shoppers at a time, maintain social distancing in the store, and prohibit the use of product testers. Face coverings must be worn by all staff and shoppers.



Sunday: 11am-5pm
Monday – Wednesday: 10am-6pm
Thursday – Friday: 10am-8:30
Saturday: 10am-6pm


72 Palmer Square West, Princeton, NJ