There is no better place to soak up the warm summer sun than in Palmer Square!
With plenty of outdoor seating, convenient, unique shops and experiences, the whole family will have non-stop opportunities for fun. It doesn’t stop there. This summer, we will be hosting a number of amazing events for all to enjoy.

Join us at Storytime on the Green with our favorite toy store, Jazams, every Wednesday from 10am-10:30am. Stop into one of our shops for coffee before the singing, reading and dancing, then treat your little ones to a fun surprise at Jazams on your way out.

Back by popular demand, it’s Dueling Piano Nights on the Square. Set up your spot on the Green early, and head to dinner in one of our restaurants or eateries before the show starts at 6pm. Prepare to be entertained during everyone’s favorite high-energy, all request sing-a-long with our friends from the Flying Ivories.

You won’t want to miss our biggest shopping deals of the year during the Annual Summer Sidewalk Sale during the first weekend in August! Our fine and extravagant retailers will have their doors open and merchandise on display just for you from Thursday, August 4th through Sunday, August 7th.

The fun doesn’t stop there! In conjunction with our Summer Sidewalk Sale there will be more events each night. Once you’ve shopped until you’ve dropped, enjoy live entertainment while we’re open late, art exhibitions from the Arts Council of Princeton and community movie night!

We have everything you need to get the most out of this summer, so come stop by, it’s all here for you, simply on the Square!
Always great shopping and convenient parking!