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The Joy of Junk Book Signing with Carter & Cavero – Saturday, March 9th

Carter & Cavero invites you to celebrate the publication of Carter’s new book, The Joy of Junk!
Saturday, March 9th 12pm – 3pm

“It’s always the right time to hunt for junk.” –Mary Randolph Carter

Best-selling author Mary Randolph Carter is back at it with an enthusiastic celebration of junk and thrifting. As with her previous books—Never Stop to Think Do I Have a Place for This, A Perfectly Kept House Is the Sign of a Misspent Life, and For the Love of Old—THE JOY OF JUNK is sure to delight her legions of fans and to appeal to everyone who loves collecting and seeks design inspiration for creating beautiful interiors with the objects they collect. Drawing on her years of experience as a passionate thrifter, flea market hunter,and collector, THE JOY OF JUNK highlights Carter’s favorite junking haunts, from Brimfield Market’s Americana-filled fields to Los Angeles’ Rose Bowl Flea Market and the Country Living Fairs, imparting valuable tips for finding treasures wherever you may be hunting.

Time: 12pm – 3pm
Location: 27 Palmer Square West | Carter & Cavero